By Jesse Burdick I don’t do CrossFit. I’m a powerlifter, and a pretty damned good one. For the past seven years, however, I’ve been associated with CrossFit in one form or another. I’ve worked in CrossFit-affiliated gyms, I’ve trained athletes for the CrossFit Games, and I’ve even done a little bit … [Read more...]
Stupid Human Tricks: Burdick Loves CrossFit
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Athlete, Athletes, Bench Press, Burpees, Carl Paoli, chest-to-bar pull-ups, clean and jerks, crossfit, Crossfit Athlete, CrossFit Games, CrossFit Gym, CrossFit Open workouts, CrossFit-style workouts, Deadlift, Division I, front squat, jesse burdick, Kipping, Kirian Fitzgibbons, max effort, overhead press, performance, Powerlifter, progress, pull-up, reps, sets, snatches, Squat, thrusters, Toes-to-bar
The Power of Power

By Scott Paltos Want the secret to everything? I know you’re looking for it, at least for your fitness, because that’s why you’re on the fucking internet today in the first place. I’m also sorry to disappoint you, because the answers you’re so desperate to find have nothing to do with any of the … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: 5/3/1, Adding Mass, Aesthetics, Athlete, athleticism, Back Squat, Bench Press, Brian Carroll, Build Muscle, building mass, Burn Fat, Central Nervous System, clean, CNS, crossfit, CrossFit Games, Deadlift, front squat, high bar squat, Hypertrophy, isolation exercises, jerk, jesse burdick, lift, mma, muscle building, Muscles, Olympic lifting, one-rep max, performance, powerlifting, reps, Scott Paltos, shoulder press, snatch, Squat, stability, Strength, Strength Training, Strongman
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