By Jesse Burdick “THE 10 BEST EXERCISES YOU’RE NOT DOING!” Fitness magazines publish this bullshit piece all the time—accompanied by a similar cover-line to get your attention while you’re walking through the airport—and I always take issue with it, because the people writing the pieces generally … [Read more...]
How To Be Awesome: The Pendlay Row
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: Back Exercises, barbell rows, Bent Over Row, build strength, cleans, Deadlifts, Ed Coan, fitness magazines, Glenn Pendlay, hard gainer, Heavy Weight, Heavy Weights, high-rep exercise, How To Be Awesome, jesse burdick, Lats, Lift Weights, Lower Back, Mark Philippi, mid back, Neutral Spine, Olympic lifting, pendlay row, power exercises, Powerlifters, range of motion, rep range, Romanian deadlift, snatch-grip row, snatches, squats, Strength, sumo high pull, underhand grip, Upper Back, Yoga
Bringing Sexy Back

By Rachel Guy Have you ever seen a piece of raw meat wrapped in string? You don’t need to spend time in a butcher shop to imprint this image on your consciousness. Instead, just look at the legions of “skinny-fat” girls wasting hours on all the cardio machines in your gym. When you’re skinny-fat, … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: Back Fat, Bent-over Rows, Biceps, bodybuilding, Braced Single-Arm DB Overhead Shoulder Press, Building Muscle, Bulky, Calorie Burn, Cardio Machines, Changing Angles, Chin-ups, Curves, Deadlift, Dumbbell Rows, Elastic Bands, Face Pulls, Forearm, Glutes, Grips, Hips, Inverted Rows, Kneeling Single-Arm Rotating DB Row, Lat Pulldowns, Lats, Lifting Weights, Louie Simmons, Lumbar Spine, Muscle Fibers, Neck, Overhand Grip, Overhand Lat Pulldown, Powell, Pronated Lat Pulldown, Prone 45-Degree Bench Lateral Raises, Proper Technique, Pull-ups, Rachel Guy, Rhomboids, Rolls, Scapula, Seated Rope Face Pulls, Semi-Supinated Flat DB Press, Semi-supinated Lat Pulldown, Shoulders, Single-arm Dumbbell Rows, Skinny-Fat, Spinal Erectors, Spine, Stomach, Supinated Chin-ups, Supinated Eccentric-only Chin-ups, Supinated Lat Pulldown, Supinated Lat Pulldowns, Tempo, Time Under Tension, Trap-3 Lift, Underhand Lat Pulldown, V-taper Shape, Vertical Pull
Gender Wars: 3 Back Exercises for Sexy Back Muscles
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: alex navarro, Assistance Pull-up Machine, Avoid Swinging During Pull-ups, Back Exercises, Back Muscles, Barbell, Bent Over Row, Chin Up, Dead Hang, Dumbbell Shrugs, Elvis Move, Kipping, Kipping Pull-up, Lat Pull-downs, Latissimus, Lats, Love Handles, Neutral Spine, Nice Back, No Neck Look, Pinch Shoulder Blades, Pull-ups, Rhomboid Muscles, Rhomboids, Rounding Out Your Back, Scoop Elbows Behind Your Back, Standing Up Tall, Straight Neck, Throwing Weight Around, Upper Trapezius, Upper Traps, Wide Back, Wide Grip
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