Girls are cannon fodder at the gym. It’s not right, and it’s not fair, but that’s the way it’s always been—and the way it always will be if we don’t stand up for ourselves. Every girl appreciates the well-timed compliment, but there are ways guys can improve the way they go about doing this—and … [Read more...]
How (Not) to Talk to Women
From Hamster Wheel to Hot Chick

By Jennifer Petrosino The same scene plays out in my local Gold’s Gym every single day and night. First, I’ll see dozens of “fluffy” women—you know the type—pumping and grinding their lives away on elliptical machines. Next, I’ll see a handful of extremely lean ladies poised like a pride of lions, … [Read more...]
How To Squat

By Brian Carroll "We can learn a shitload from powerlifters. Trouble is, many major publications and websites shy away from using the best powerlifters in the world for material. When asked why, their rationale goes something like this: “Our readers don’t want to look like these guys, and our … [Read more...]
The DH Guide to Gym Etiquette

We’d all love to live in a perfect world. Aside from everything else that’d be perfect, we’d all be able to train in private gyms, free of the ubiquitous bullshit that’s unavoidable in your typical commercial facility. You know exactly what I’m referring to when I talk about “private gyms”: those … [Read more...]
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