Some big changes are happening here in our fortified bunker. HUGE ones that'll enable us to get you the most bleeding-edge nutrition and training information in the industry on a broader and grander scale than ever before. We'll keep you advised, of course, but in the meantime, here's another … [Read more...]
Diet Anger: The Serotonin Connection
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: accelerated weight loss, Anxiety, appetite control, binge eating, boosting serotonin, Depression, diet anger, dieting, hangry, increased appetite, increasing serotonin, irritability, irritable, memory, mood, mood swings, mood-enhancing chemical, Nutritionists, serotonin, serotonin level, serotonin syndrome, Sleep, stimulate serotonin
Another Hidden Secret: The Power of Leptin

More from my original research notes: Leptin’s story isn’t a long one, but it’s extremely important. The first thing you need to know is that its importance is typically ignored in most diet books—which is a completely wrongheaded omission, because Leptin is an extremely critical hormone in terms … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Body Fat Percentage, Burn Fat, decrease appetite, decrease metabolism, defective gene, diet, dieting, Fat Burning, genetic, hormone, improve fertility, increase fat burning, increase metabolism, increases metabolism, Leptin, leptos, obese, Obesity, Obesity Epidemic, obesity gene, suppress appetite, suppresses appetite, thin, type II diabetes, weight control, Weight Loss
From Bookworm to Bikini: Week Ten

By Caroline Gick What’s your favorite body part? My shoulders are definitely mine. I like them now, and I like them even better compared to what they used to be. Every time I see my shoulders in the mirror, I have a clear reminder of what hard, focused work can do for me. This makes me proud of … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: anterior delts, athletic physique, barbell press, Build Muscle, building mass, building shoulders, cable machine, carb back-loading, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Carbohydrates, Carbs, Caroline Gick, cbl, CNS, Contest Prep, contest preparation, deltoids, delts, dieting, dumbbell press, Eccentric Loading-Explosive ConTraction, eccentric training, ELECT, endurance running, figure competition, front delts, front lateral raises, Kiefer, leaning side laterals, Leucine, medial delts, NPC, one-arm isolation row, Partitioned Set Ramping, Photo Shoot, posterior delts, Protein Shake, PSR, Push Press, rear delts, Resistance Training, Sculpted Shoulders, sculpting shoulders, Shoulder Exercises, shoulder press, shoulder workout, Shoulders, side lateral raises, smith machine, training, upright row
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