Dropping the F*Bomb

WARNING: This essay contains vulgar language. Don't read it... A health-industry figure posted on their Facebook wall an expression of disappointment that someone dropped the F*bomb on a fitness-radio interview while their child listened. That someone in the interview could have been me, I don’t … [Read more...]

Synthetic Wisdom Equals True Bullshit

I’m not one to complain, but for a society catapulted to the pinnacle of world power by scientific achievement, we sure do love mystics. Not mystics in the neo-cultural sense that read palms, the stars or numbers to tell the future; I’m talking about the vintage mystics, witch doctors of former … [Read more...]

Interview With The Coroner

Note: I’ve been away for some time now, but I am back and ready to resume where I began: delivering cutting edge information, scientific explanations and practical applications. I noticed that as the length of my silence grew, questions accumulated and eventually—even rightfully—speculation arose … [Read more...]

Don’t Trust Me

As I’m about to release an integrated plan, one for rapid fat loss while preserving muscle and the other for muscle gain while trying to lose fat (or at least not adding any), I want to make a strong statement, one that you’ll never hear from another person in this field and that you rarely hear … [Read more...]

The Russians Are Coming

Are you ready for this? It’s a new secret plan from Russia for building ridiculous levels of muscle mass. … [Read more...]

Neglect and Travel

As I gear up for my combination honeymoon and exploratory trip to Austria, I must apologize for neglecting my blog. Writing the last two posts on protein required a considerable amount of time to research, time I didn't have. I could have blasted off some crap, the same crap you hear in the gym and … [Read more...]

Perspective: Read Now…

I write this blog for one reason: to help people reach their goals in the least amount of time, with the least amount of effort while spending the least amount of money. … [Read more...]


Sacrifice is the backbone of achievement, or so I’ve heard. To achieve anything noteworthy, or to simply stand out from the crowd, one must sacrifice a normal life in exchange for deprivation. No television; no nights out at the bar; no junk food; no sleeping in; no straying from the … [Read more...]

Pay Your Dues

We all know the guy in the gym, strutting around with an average physique, constantly rotating their workout from MMA-fighter-style, to power, to sculpting and for all their effort, they go nowhere, achieve nothing. … [Read more...]

Gross Anatomy of a Champion

I’m recovering from a disappointing weekend. No, I don’t care that the Colts lost the Superbowl…to be honest, I didn't even care that there was a Superbowl. I’m disappointed because one of my good friends, and someone whom I help advise, Brian Carroll, had what might have been the worst … [Read more...]