By Brian Carroll As I said in the first installment of this series—“How to Squat”—I’m not writing these pieces with beginners in mind. It’s important to note, however, that squatting is squatting—and in this case, deadlifting is deadlifting—so the technical points I’ll be making here will apply to … [Read more...]
How to Deadlift
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: Abdominal Work, Arnold Classic, Asics Wrestling Shoes, Bar, Bar Whip, Bike, Block Pulls, Brian Caroll, Chuck Taylors, Deadlifting, Elevated Stiff-Leg Deadlift, Femurs, Fibula, Flat Plates, Foot Position, Garry Frank, Glute-Ham Raises, Glutes, Grip, Grip Strength, Gym Rats, Hamstring Curls, Hamstrings, Heavy Session, Heels, Hips, How To Squat, Hyperextensions, Knees, Lat Pulldowns, Leverage, Lockout, Lower Back, Lower Legs, Momentum, Opposite Stance Deadlifting, Orlando Green, Power Squat, Power Squat Machine, Pull-Throughs, Pull-ups, quads, Rack Pulls, Rubber Gym Floor, Shoulder Width, Squatting, Standing Leg Press, Stiff-Legged Deadlifts, Sumo, Sumo Style, Tibia, Timing Mechanism, Treadmill, Triceps, Twisting Motion
How To Squat

By Brian Carroll "We can learn a shitload from powerlifters. Trouble is, many major publications and websites shy away from using the best powerlifters in the world for material. When asked why, their rationale goes something like this: “Our readers don’t want to look like these guys, and our … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: Banded Pull-Throughs, Bending Knees, Body Tightness, Breathing Pattern, Brian Carroll, Bulgarian Split Squats, Close Stance Squatter, Commercial Gym, Developed Squads, Glutes, Gym Training, Hamstrings, Heavy Squat, High-Rep Set, Hip Flexibility, Hip Mobility, Hips, How To Squat, Leg Curls, Leg Extensions, Leg Pressing conventional Deadlifts, Locked Elbows, Loose Hips, Lower Body Movement, Lunges, Lying Leg Curls, Max Lifting, Max Squatting, Powerlifters, Quad Extensions, Slow Squats, Squat Day, Squat Stance, Squatting Lesson, Staggered Stance, Stationary Bike, Strength Training, Strong Posterior Chain, Sumo Deadlifts, Super-Wide Pause Squats, Tight Belt, Under Control, Warm-up Sets, Warm-up Weight, Wide Stance, Wide Stance Squatter, World-Class Powerlifters
The Sexy, Strong Woman: 6 Tips For Women

It’s the ultimate piece of fitness bullshit, yet women everywhere still say these words constantly: “I’d love to start lifting weights, and I know it’s good for me, but I don’t want to get all bulky.” You know what the ironic thing is about this? There’s an inverse relationship involving the women … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: Adding Mass, Bench, Bodybuilding-Style Movements, Central Nervous System, Conjugate Method, Deadlift, Getting Bulky, Glutes, Hamstrings, Heavy Weights, High Volume Training, julia ladewski, Lifting Maximal Weights, Lifting Weights, Lower Back, Lower Reps, Lower Training Volume, Max Effort Training, Packing On Muscle, Powerlifter, Sexy Strong Woman, Squat, Sub-Maximal Weights, Weak Points
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