The Ultimate Drug Carbs are a drug. As with any drug, knowledge of effects—and side effects—is the only way to guarantee a positive outcome. Drugs often hit market before we’re aware of the full gamut of their effects, leaving consumers scrambling for answers, alternatives, and adjuncts. It works … [Read more...]
Excerpt: Carb Back-Loading
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Anaoblic, Bed, Bedtime, Body Fat Stores, Breakfast, carb back-loading, Carb Cycling, carb nite, Carbs at Night, Carbs on the Weekend, Chicken and Dumplings, Drug, Empty Promises, Fat Cells, Fat Loss, Growing Muscles, Guesswork, Gurus, Holy Grail of Nutrition, Huge Shoulders, Ice Cream, Man Boobs, Massive Quads, Muscle & Fitness, Muscle Cells, Muscle Mass, Muscular Growth, Oprah, Pancakes, Pasta, Pepperoni Pizza, Post-Workout Nutrition, Sculpted Pecs, So-Called Experts, Starchy Dinners, Strength, Sugary Sweets, supplements, Types of Carbs, Waistline, Whole Pizza
Gluten Intolerance Symptoms: When Paleo and Carb Back-Loading Collide

Everyone knows I hate the usage of the word Paleo for the Paleo diet. Not because I hate the diet; I actually love the diet. It’s just that implication that we ran around the Stone Age through vast fields of potatoes and forests of fruit and nut trees, not to mention bushels of beans. So, … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: Barley, Beans, Bread, carb back-loading, carb nite, Chronic Joint Pain, Derivatives, Explosive Diarrhea, Ezekiel Bread, Fruits, Gliadins, Glutamine Peptide Supplementation, Glutamine Peptides, Gluten, Gluten Allergy, Gluten Hydrolysate, Gluten Intolerance, Gluten Intolerance Symptoms, Gut Bloating, High-Gluten Foods, Industrialized Hyrdolysates, Lethargy, Marinara Sauce, Nuts, paleo, Paleo Diet, Pasta, Peptides, Potatoes, Quinoa, Rye, Wheat
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