In response to a line of questioning we've been getting a lot from you lately, here's a Q&A segment with Kiefer addressing some common problems women run into within the first few months of starting The Carb Nite Solution: After my first ten-day cycle of the diet, I lost a significant amount of … [Read more...]
Kiefer Q&A: The Carb Nite Solution For Women
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: Bloated, bloating, Burn Fat, cannabinoid, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, carbnite, Carbs, Caroline Gick, Cheese, Chicken Breast, clean eating, Coconut Oil, Coffee, Dairy Products, diet, eat clean, estrogen, Fat Burning, fat free, Fat Loss, fat storage, Figure Competitions, figure competitiors, glucagon, Ice Cream, Insulin Response, Insulin Spike, Kiefer, Lean Meat, lean protein, Low Fat, Low-Carb, menstrual cycle, Metabolism, Milk, Pizza, sleep cycle, stress cycle, stress hormones, trans fat, Weight Loss
How To Be Awesome: Dealing With Bad Days

By Jesse Burdick Eric Spoto’s day was shit. Absolute, total, unmitigated shit. At one in the afternoon, he’d managed just two hours of sleep since the night before. All he’d had to eat since three in the morning was a handful of pistachios, a cup of yogurt, and a glass of apple juice. For most … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Adrenaline, Animal Cage, Apple Juice, Arnold Classic, Athletes, Autoregulation, Back Squat, Barbell, Bench Press, Bioforce HRV, Changing Conditions, Conditioning Day, CrossFit Open, CrossFit Scoring, Deload Days, Deload Weeks, Ed Coan, Eric Spoto, Feeling Like Shit, Gym, High-Rep Day, How To Be Awesome, Ice Cream, Ideal Conditions, jesse burdick, Lift Weights, Mental, Mental Game, Mental Medicine, Mindset, Omegawave, Perfect Training, Personal Record, Physical Medicine, Pistachios, Pneumonia, Poison Ivy, powerlifting, Sleep, Speed Day, Squat, State of Readiness, Training Regulation, Yogurt
Excerpt: Carb Back-Loading

The Ultimate Drug Carbs are a drug. As with any drug, knowledge of effects—and side effects—is the only way to guarantee a positive outcome. Drugs often hit market before we’re aware of the full gamut of their effects, leaving consumers scrambling for answers, alternatives, and adjuncts. It works … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Anaoblic, Bed, Bedtime, Body Fat Stores, Breakfast, carb back-loading, Carb Cycling, carb nite, Carbs at Night, Carbs on the Weekend, Chicken and Dumplings, Drug, Empty Promises, Fat Cells, Fat Loss, Growing Muscles, Guesswork, Gurus, Holy Grail of Nutrition, Huge Shoulders, Ice Cream, Man Boobs, Massive Quads, Muscle & Fitness, Muscle Cells, Muscle Mass, Muscular Growth, Oprah, Pancakes, Pasta, Pepperoni Pizza, Post-Workout Nutrition, Sculpted Pecs, So-Called Experts, Starchy Dinners, Strength, Sugary Sweets, supplements, Types of Carbs, Waistline, Whole Pizza
How To Keep Those Pounds Falling Off While On A Low Fat Carb Nite
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: Accelerating Fat Loss, Burning Carbs Off As Heat, carb nite, Carb Nite Low Fat, Carb Nites Without Fat, Dehydrated, Drink More Fluids, Eating Enough Carbs, Electrolyte Balance, Electrolytes, Fat-Free Latte, Glycogen, Hypoglycemic, Ice Cream, Insulin Rise, Low Fat Carb Nite, Maximum Fat Loss, Sea Salt, Skim Milk, Sleepy Without Fat, Water
Fat Intake on Carb Back-Loading and Carb Nite
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: Blood Sugar, Body Tapping into Fat Stores, Carb Back-Loading Fat Intake, Clean Carbs, Distributing Carbs, Eating Fatty Foods Before Bed, Fat Intake on Carb Back-Loading, Fat Released into your System, Fruity Pebbles, Gluten-Free, High Metabolism, Ice Cream, Insulin Spike, Lean Beef, Losing Body Fat, Low Fat, Lower Fat Foods, Muscle Stimulation, Pizza, Staging Carbs throughout the Evening, Treats, White Potatoes, White Rice
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