By Ian Spanier Want to be a fitness model? Sounds like a cool and easy way to make a living, doesn’t it? All you have to do is train all day, keep your diet on point, get your spray tan right, and start calling magazine editors and ad agencies, and the photo shoot offers—and then the checks, … [Read more...]
Who Wants To Be A Fitness Model?
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Abdominals, Ad Agencies, Advertising Image, Advertising Work, Bench Press, Bicep Curl, Celebrities, Cover Image, Dumbbells, Europa Sports, Exercise Form, Female Models, Fitness Industry, Fitness Model, Fitness Photographer, FLEX Magazine, Gaspari Nutrition, Ian Spanier, Improper Diet, Leanness, Lethargic, Lighting, Magazine Article, Magazine Editors, Magazine Work, Male Models, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, MuscleMag, Muscular Development, Photo Shoots, Photographer, Photographer Shoot, Product Shot, Professional Athletes, Shape Magazine, Spray Tan, Vascularity
The DH Guide to Gym Etiquette

We’d all love to live in a perfect world. Aside from everything else that’d be perfect, we’d all be able to train in private gyms, free of the ubiquitous bullshit that’s unavoidable in your typical commercial facility. You know exactly what I’m referring to when I talk about “private gyms”: those … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Barbell, College Athletes, Commercial Gym, Deadlift Platforms, DH Guide, Dumbbell Rack, Dumbbells, Fixed Barbell, Flat Bench, Gym Clientele, Gym Courtesy, Gym Etiquette, Gym Management, Gym Membership, Heavy Weight, Planet Fitness, Power Racks, Private Gyms, Professional Athletes, Prowlers, Public Gyms, Reverse Wrist Curls, Squat Rack Lifting, Treadmills, Woodway Treadmills
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