Why Women Should Not Run

Here’s another article re-edit/rerelease. This one was originally published on EliteFTS.com, and we’re presenting this updated and polished-up version today in case you missed it the first time around. I’m not sympathetic. When I look at the fat guy in the gym wasting his time doing forearm curls … [Read more...]

The Mellow Metcon: Conditioning For Strength Blocks

By Scott Paltos Strength is king. Conditioning counts, too, though. For many of you, it counts a little too much. If you’re a good coach, or an athlete who knows what you’re doing, you’re always going to include some level of conditioning—whether it’s aerobic or anaerobic—in your programs. … [Read more...]

The Ultimate Guide To Creatine Supplementation Part 1

In all probability, creatine is the most scientifically significant sports supplement of the past three decades. Several well-controlled studies have demonstrated a wide variety of benefits, which I’ll examine here. Most people, however—including supplement manufacturers and marketers—fail to … [Read more...]