Here’s another article re-edit/rerelease. This one was originally published on, and we’re presenting this updated and polished-up version today in case you missed it the first time around. I’m not sympathetic. When I look at the fat guy in the gym wasting his time doing forearm curls … [Read more...]
Why Women Should Not Run
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: aerobic, Anaerobic, Body Fat, Burn Fat, calories-in, calories-out, cardio, Cortisol Levels, cycling, Elliptical Machine, Fat Burning, Fat Cells, fat regulating hormones, High Intensity Interval Training, high intensity intervals, HIIT, hyperthyroid, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroid, hypothyroidism, Insulin, lose fat, lose muscle mass, marathon, max heart rate, Metabolism, Muscle Loss, Myostatin, Pre-Contest, Running, Steady State Cardio, T3, T3 production, thyroid hormone, Treadmill
Top 11 Excuses Not To Lose Weight

I’ve heard just about every excuse in the world for not losing weight, getting healthy or lifting weights and it’s damn annoying when someone rambles off an excuse for why they can’t—or worse—why they refuse to lose weight or workout. They act as though it’s ironclad logic and that to even attempt … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Rant Tagged With: Alzheimers, Beer, Being Fat, Bible, Breakfast, Breast Cancer, Cooking, Cooking Shows, Diabetes, Disease, Embarrassed to Workout, Enjoy Life, Excuses, Excuses Not To Lose Weight, Fat-Free Scones, Flabby, Friends, Get Healthy for You, Getting Big and Bulky, Getting Healthy, Getting Out of Shape, God, High-Blood Pressure, Krispy Kremes, Lifting Weights, Looking in the Mirror, Marshmallow Man, Muscles, Oprah, Pizza, Running, Running on the Treadmill, Sculpted Shoulders, Skinny-Fat, Starbucks, Stuffing Crap Down Your Throat, Triple Choco Lattes, Worrying About Diet
Does Lifting Weights Make Women Bulky?
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: Amplifying Metabolism, Body Shape, Bone Density, Burning Glyogen, Calcium Supplements, Carbs Stored As Glyogen, cardio, Chronic Suppression of Thyroid Hormone, Does Lifting Weights Make Women Bulky, Fat Cells, Genetic Freak, Glute 4 Simulation, Glycolytic State, Glyogen Stores, Heavy Resistance Training, Impact Aerobics, Low-T 3 Syndrome, Muscle Simulation for Absorbing Carbs, Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, Resistance Training, Running, Strong Bones, Strong Muscles, Tglut, Upregulating Special Proteins, Why Women Should Resistance Train, Women Bone Density
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