Some big changes are happening here in our fortified bunker. HUGE ones that'll enable us to get you the most bleeding-edge nutrition and training information in the industry on a broader and grander scale than ever before. We'll keep you advised, of course, but in the meantime, here's another … [Read more...]
Diet Anger: The Serotonin Connection
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: accelerated weight loss, Anxiety, appetite control, binge eating, boosting serotonin, Depression, diet anger, dieting, hangry, increased appetite, increasing serotonin, irritability, irritable, memory, mood, mood swings, mood-enhancing chemical, Nutritionists, serotonin, serotonin level, serotonin syndrome, Sleep, stimulate serotonin
DH Interview Series: Dr. Rocky Patel

“I want input and contributions from medical professionals on this site, but after talking to Rocky Patel on numerous occasions, it was obvious to me that I wanted him in particular. He’s pretty much unlike every family practitioner I’ve ever met, both in terms of his knowledge level and his … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: American Diabetic Association, American Heart Association, Anxiety, Biofeedback, Cardiometabolic Risk, Cardiovascular Disease, Chief Medical Officer, Circadian Rhythm, dave asprey, Depression, Family Physician, Heart Fit for Duty, Heart Rate Variability, Insulin Resistance, Insurance-Based Model, Ketogenic Diets, Ketosis Plan, Low Carbohydrates, Macronutrient, Medical Industry, Medicine, Nutrition, Nutritional Information, Palatability, Preventative Medicine, Relaxation Techniques, Rocky Patel, Stress, Twitter
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