You’re asking plenty of questions via Facebook and Twitter. We’re answering them. Here are responses to the best inquiries of the past week: If I’m training fasted in the morning, what are your thoughts on acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K)? Okay, or no? I’d say yes, it’s okay. The rise in … [Read more...]
Ask Kiefer: Your Questions Answered
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Acesulfame K, Acesulfame Potassium, Age, Anabolism, BCAAs, Blood Test, Body Fat, Body Part Split Sessions, Carb Nite Solution, Carbs, Catabolic, Circadian Rhythms, Creatine Absorption, Creatine Hydrochloride, Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine Phosphate, Fatty Acids, Flu, Fructose, Gliadin Protein Fraction, Glucose, Glucose Metabolism, GLUT4 Translocation, Glutamine, Gluten, Immune System, Inflammation, Insulin, Insulin Insensitivity, Insulin Resistance, Insulin Spike, Ketogenesis, Ketones, Ketosis, Kiefer, Leucine, Liver, Mass Gainer Shakes, Morning Shift, Morning Training, Muscle Mass, Nicotine, Nicotine Gum, Night Shift, Post Workout Shake, Post-Workout Meals, Pre-Mixed Shakes, Q&A, REE, Resistance Training, Resting Energy Expenditure, Rotating Shifts, Solubility, Stress, Sucrose, Swing Shift, Urinate, Whole Food
Your New Lifestyle: Relax Your Way to High Performance

Want to smash weights every time you're in the gym? Learn the meaning of rest and recovery first. By Jim Laird What do the words “day off” mean to you? Do you know what a day off even is? What are you doing on your so-called days off? I want you to think about this right now, because you need to. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Ammonia Caps, Autoimmune Disease, Barbell, Being Calm, Big Lifts, Bioforce HRV, Bodybuilder, Bread, Caffeine, Cancer, Cognition, Digestion, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, Dragging Sleds, Ephedra, External Stimulus, Facebook, Fight-or-Flight, Gluten Intolerance, Gym, Heart Disease, High Performance, High Threshold, Internal Organs, Jim Laird, Joel Jamieson, Loud Music, Medicine Balls, Meditate, Meditation, Off Day, Overstimulation, paleo, Paul Chek, Pizza, Recovery, Slapping, Sleep, Stress, Stress Response, Stressful, Training Volume, Treadmill, Twitter, Ulcerative Colitis, Western Culture, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Workday
DH Interview Series: Dr. Rocky Patel

“I want input and contributions from medical professionals on this site, but after talking to Rocky Patel on numerous occasions, it was obvious to me that I wanted him in particular. He’s pretty much unlike every family practitioner I’ve ever met, both in terms of his knowledge level and his … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: American Diabetic Association, American Heart Association, Anxiety, Biofeedback, Cardiometabolic Risk, Cardiovascular Disease, Chief Medical Officer, Circadian Rhythm, dave asprey, Depression, Family Physician, Heart Fit for Duty, Heart Rate Variability, Insulin Resistance, Insurance-Based Model, Ketogenic Diets, Ketosis Plan, Low Carbohydrates, Macronutrient, Medical Industry, Medicine, Nutrition, Nutritional Information, Palatability, Preventative Medicine, Relaxation Techniques, Rocky Patel, Stress, Twitter
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