By Alex Navarro Eat this. Do that. Don’t eat this. Don’t do that. We’re hearing commands and getting directions all the time on this site, but sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and assess what’s actually realistic for your lifestyle, especially when it comes to your relationship with … [Read more...]
A Plateful of Kitchen Sense
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: alex navarro, Almonds, Bread, Breadcrumbs, Broccoli, Butter, Cafeteria, carb back-loading, carb nite, Cheese, Chicken, Cocoa Pebbles, Coffee, Convection Ovens, Cookies, Cooking, Deli, Deli Meat, Dinner, Eating Out, Fat-Free Milk, Freezer Bags, Frying Pan, Gluten-Free, Healthy Fat, Heavy Cream, Honey Ham, Lettuce, Lifestyle, Liquid Egg Whites, Lunch, Meal Variety, Meatballs, Microwave, Mixing Bowl, Mustard, Oil, Pickles, Protein, Restaurants, Rice, Rice Pudding, Romaine Lettuce, Salad, Sandwich, Sausages, Serving Spoon, Snacks, Spatula, Spicy Dijon Mustard, Steamed Vegetables, Stovetop, Sweet Potato, training, Workday Meal Plan
Eating Paleo with Carb Back-Loading and Carb Nite
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: Carb Backloading Paleo, Cereals, Cherry Turnovers, Doing Paleo with Carb Back-Loading and Carb Nite, Fruity Pebbles, Gluten-Free, Grains and Paleo, Grapes, High Glycemic Load, High Insulin Levels, Milk, Overly Ripe Bananas, Paleo Diet, Rice, Rice Chex, Rice Krispies, Rice Krispies Treat, Tubers, White Rice, White Sticky Rice, White Waxy Potatoes
Ultra Low-Carb Coconut Curry Rice

For more Ultra Low-Carb recipes, visit To purchase the Transforming Recipes cookbook, which is loaded with 100+ more ultra low-carb recipes, click here. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Nutrition, Recipe Tagged With: alex navarro, Blender, carb back-loading, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Cauliflower Florets, Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil, Curry Power, Cutting Board, fit living foodies,, Food Processor, Frying Pan, Gluten-Free, Green Onion, Knife, Large Skillet, Low-Carb, Low-Carb Coconut, Low-Carb Coconut Curry Rice, Magic Bullet, Measuring Cup, Measuring Spoons, Onion, Rice, Spatula, transforming recipes, ULC, Ultra Low Carb, Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
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