By Scott Paltos Strength is king. Conditioning counts, too, though. For many of you, it counts a little too much. If you’re a good coach, or an athlete who knows what you’re doing, you’re always going to include some level of conditioning—whether it’s aerobic or anaerobic—in your programs. … [Read more...]
The Mellow Metcon: Conditioning For Strength Blocks
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: adrenaline spike, aerobic, Anaerobic, Barbell, Barbell Complex: Deadlift, Bench Press, Box Jumps, Burpees, Central Nervous System, circuit training, Clean and Jerk, CNS, CNS Stimulation, Conditioning, crossfit, crossfit workouts, CrossFit-style metcons, entire body workout, gain, gain muscle, hang clean, Heavy Clean, Heavy Med Ball Smashes, High Intensity, High Intensity Interval Training, high volume, HIIT, interval, jerk, jump rope, jumping rope, metcon, metobolic, NFL Combine, one-rep max, plyometric push-ups, Powerlifters, powerlifting, rate of perceived exertion, RPE, running mechanics, Scott Paltos, Sprint, Sprinting, squat jumps, Strength, strength block, Strength Gains, strength program, strength workout, work capacity
How to be Awesome: Why Your Personal Trainer Sucks

By Jesse Burdick Who's the best personal trainer or strength coach in the world? I'm hoping that's me, but if it's not, I really have no idea. The reason why I don't know is because the best trainers and coaches in this business are extremely busy, and nobody's ever heard of most of them. They're … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Affiliate Marketing, Athlete, Bioforce HRV, Body Composition, bodybuilding, Buddy Morris, carb back-loading, Carb Nite Solution, Clients, Conditioning, Cortisol, Dumbbell Hammer Curls, Facebook, Flashy Websites, Gym, How To Be Awesome, Infomercials, Insanity, jesse burdick, Kettlebell Competition, Kettlebells, Lat Pulldowns, Louie Simmons, Mike Tyson, Mini-Band Pull-Aparts, Mononucleosis, Omegawave System, Online Fitness Guru, P90X, Paul Childress, Personal Trainer, Push Press, Push-ups, Sports Performance, Strength Coach, Twitter, Upper Body Push-Pull
How to be Awesome

By Jesse Burdick Every second of every day gives you a new chance to start shit over. Even if you don’t think it’s possible at this point, you can get moving on something good right now if you want to. That’s the best thing about training: it’s always there. Tomorrow morning, you can resolve to get … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Awesomeness, Band Pull-Aparts, Being Positive, Benching, Bicep Curls, Carb Nite Solution, Conditioning, Deadlifting, Dragging Sled, EliteFTS Blast Straps, Figure Out Your Goals, Fixed Barbell, Gym, Heavy Sled Face Pulls, How To Be Awesome, Hunt for Red October, jesse burdick, jim wendler, Long-Term Goals, Looking Vascular, Loose Carb Back-Loading, Lysol, Making Smart Decisions, Mid-Term Goals, Mini-Band, Planet Fitness, Popping Biceps, Positive Language, Protein Powder, Ribeye Steak, Russians, Seated Row, Seated Row Rear Delt Raises, Short-Term Goals, Smile, Squatting, Strict Carb Back-Loading, training, Treadmill, Upper Back, Vanity Goals, Walking Dead
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