Last weekend, I sat on a rather interesting discussion panel at the Paleo F(x) conference in Austin, TX. As I listened to otherwise rational people, who were making otherwise sound recommendations, emphatically claiming that a “balanced diet” for health required 30 percent carbohydrates—mostly from … [Read more...]
Out of Balance: How to Think About Dieting
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: 40-30-30, accelerate metabolism, accelerated metabolism, Athlete, athletic nutrition, athletic performance, balanced diet, bodybuilders, Burning Fat, carb back-loading, carb nite, Carbohydrates, Carbs, Corn, Crossfitters, diet, Exercise, Fat Burning, fitness expert, fitness guru, Glycogen Stores, grains, Insulin, obese, paleo, Paleo F(x), Potatoes, sedentary, starches, sugars, suppress hunger, usable carbs, Wheat, zero-point, zero-point balanced diet, Zone diet
Bookworm to Bikini-Ready: 13 Weeks to the Figure Stage (Week 2)

By Caroline Gick This week, I’m going to get more specific about how I eat and how I train. I also want to talk about how I’ll be adjusting my diet and my workouts in the coming weeks as I get closer to my competition. The entire program I follow—both training and nutrition—has been developed for … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: AM Snack, Avocado, Bacon, Bacon-Wrapped Meatloaf, Baked Goods, Basmati Rice, Breaded Chicken, Breakfast Sausages, Broccoli, Caffeine, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Carbs, Caroline Gick, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chicken Breast, Chicken Wrap, Cinnamon, Coconut Oil, Coffee, Competition, Contest Prep, Cookie, Corn, Creatine, Decaf Latte, DH Blend H Protein, Dinner, Fat, French Fries, Ham, Hamburger, Indian Dish, Lean Meat, Leucine, Low-Carb Vegetable, Low-Fat Meat, Lunch, Mashed Potatoes, MCT Oil, Mixed Salad Greens, Naan, Nutrition, Peas, Pie, PM Snack, Post Workout Shake, Post-Workout, Pound Cake, Pre-Bed Shake, Pre-Workout, Protein, Red Peppers, Rice Pudding, Ripe Banana, Roast Chicken, Salad Dressing, Salsa, Slivered Almonds, Sweet Potato, training, Turkey, Ultra Low Carb Days, Whey Isolate, Yellow Peppers, Zucchini
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