If you're a lover of pizza and can't wait until Carb Nite, wait no more! This "crustless" pizza is sure to satisfy those pizza cravings and get you through those Ultra-low Carb days. The key to making this pizza more than just meat and cheese is creating a super thin crust using grass-fed beef and … [Read more...]
Ultra Low Carb Crustless Burger Pizza
Filed Under: Nutrition, Recipe Tagged With: alex navarro, Beef, burger, burger pizza, carb back-loading, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Cheese, crustless, crustless pizza, fit living foodies, fitlivingfoodies.com, Gluten-Free, Grass Fed Beef, healthy, italian, italian food, italian seasoning, low carb sauce, Low-Carb, marinara, Marinara Sauce, meat, mozzarella, Pasta Sauce, pepperoni, Pizza, pizza toppings, recipe, transforming recipes, ULC, Ultra Low Carb
Yogurt is Not a Meal

By Jim Laird Life is nothing but a series of patterns. When you do the same thing every day for enough years, these patterns show themselves, and your sphere of influence begins to make more sense. In the fitness industry, this manifests itself in the mistakes you see people making, because few … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: accelerate metabolism, acid support, binge eating, Blood Sugar, calorie expenditure, Calories, carb craving, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Carbohydrates, Carbs, constipation, cravings, diarrhea, diet, Digestion, digestive enzymes, digestive support, eating healthier, eating healthy, Grass Fed Beef, HCL, healthy, healthy eating, hormone production, J&M Strength and Conditioning, Jim Laird, Low Fat, melatonin, metabolically damaged. metabolic repair, Metabolism, ox bile, Protein, repair metabolism, serotonin, simple sugars, slow metabolism, starches, storing fat, sugar craving, undernourished, undernourishment, zinc, zinc deficiency
Ultra Low Carb Chicken Parmesan

For more Ultra Low-Carb recipes, visit FitLivingFoodies.com. To purchase the Transforming Recipes cookbook, which is loaded with 100+ more ultra low-carb recipes, click here. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Nutrition, Recipe Tagged With: alex navarro, baked chicken, carb back-loading, carb nite, casserole, Cheese, Chicken Breast, chicken recipes, Coconut Flour, Coconut Oil, Eggs, fit living foodies, fitlivingfoodies.com, garlic, glass jar, Gluten-Free, healthy, italian, italian food, italian seasoning, low carb sauce, Low-Carb, marinara, Marinara Sauce, mozzarella, parmesan, Pasta Sauce, recipe, transforming recipes, Ultra Low Carb
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