By Jim Laird Life is nothing but a series of patterns. When you do the same thing every day for enough years, these patterns show themselves, and your sphere of influence begins to make more sense. In the fitness industry, this manifests itself in the mistakes you see people making, because few … [Read more...]
Yogurt is Not a Meal
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: accelerate metabolism, acid support, binge eating, Blood Sugar, calorie expenditure, Calories, carb craving, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Carbohydrates, Carbs, constipation, cravings, diarrhea, diet, Digestion, digestive enzymes, digestive support, eating healthier, eating healthy, Grass Fed Beef, HCL, healthy, healthy eating, hormone production, J&M Strength and Conditioning, Jim Laird, Low Fat, melatonin, metabolically damaged. metabolic repair, Metabolism, ox bile, Protein, repair metabolism, serotonin, simple sugars, slow metabolism, starches, storing fat, sugar craving, undernourished, undernourishment, zinc, zinc deficiency
Kiefer Q&A: The Carb Nite Solution For Women

In response to a line of questioning we've been getting a lot from you lately, here's a Q&A segment with Kiefer addressing some common problems women run into within the first few months of starting The Carb Nite Solution: After my first ten-day cycle of the diet, I lost a significant amount of … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: Bloated, bloating, Burn Fat, cannabinoid, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, carbnite, Carbs, Caroline Gick, Cheese, Chicken Breast, clean eating, Coconut Oil, Coffee, Dairy Products, diet, eat clean, estrogen, Fat Burning, fat free, Fat Loss, fat storage, Figure Competitions, figure competitiors, glucagon, Ice Cream, Insulin Response, Insulin Spike, Kiefer, Lean Meat, lean protein, Low Fat, Low-Carb, menstrual cycle, Metabolism, Milk, Pizza, sleep cycle, stress cycle, stress hormones, trans fat, Weight Loss
Excerpt: The Carb Nite Solution

In advance of the reloaded edition of The Carb Nite Solution we'll be releasing later on this year, we've decided to treat you to a few excerpts. Here's the first installment: We’ve All Been There Nearly all of us have battled with our weight. For some of us, this started as early as our teens. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: Beer Belly, Calories, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Cellulite, Cholesterol, Citations, Daily Menus, Enzymes, Exotic Foods, Fat, Fat Cells, Fat Loss, Flabby Butt, High Protein, Hormones, Insulin Resistance, Love Handles, Low Fat, Low-Carb, Medical Doctor, Metabolism, Nutritionist, Physicist, research, Sugar, Treats, Triglyceride Levels, Weight, Weight Maintenance
BioJacked TV #33 – Kiefer with special guest Marci Nevin – Q & A
Filed Under: BioJacked TV Tagged With: 5-3-1, Adjusting Carb Load, alcohol, Apple, Bacon, Biojacked 33, BioJacked TV, bodybuilding, BodyBuilding Diets, Cancer, Carb Backloading Book, carb nite, cardio, Chemical Energy, Cholesterol, Chronic Insulin Release, Cream Cheese, Diabetes, Diabetic, Drugs, Eccentric Loading-Explosive ConTraction, Efficiency, Eggs, ELECT Reps, ELECT Sets, Fat Cells, Feeling Hot from Carb Backloading, Fijis, Flucations In Body Weight, Fraternity, Fructose, Fruity Gum, Fruity Pebbles, Gary Taubes, Gary Taubes Research, Growth Signal, Hangover, Inefficiency, Inflammation, Insulin Spikes, John Meadows, Junky Carbs, Laws of Thermo Dynamics, Liptin, Low Fat, Low-Glycemic, Marci Nevin, Mashed Potatoes, Mediterranean, Mixed Drinks, Mountain Dog Diet, Nicotine, Nicotine Gum, Overweight Population, Phi Gamma Delta, Placebo Controlled Study, Protein Shakes, Pushing Insulin Over a Threshold, Q&A, Red Potato, Russet Potato, Salad, Shockwave for Carb Backloading, Shockwave Protocol, Shots, supplements, Sweet Potatoes, Thyroid, US Government, Wasted Energy, Waxy Vegetables, Wine
Fat Intake on Carb Back-Loading and Carb Nite
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: Blood Sugar, Body Tapping into Fat Stores, Carb Back-Loading Fat Intake, Clean Carbs, Distributing Carbs, Eating Fatty Foods Before Bed, Fat Intake on Carb Back-Loading, Fat Released into your System, Fruity Pebbles, Gluten-Free, High Metabolism, Ice Cream, Insulin Spike, Lean Beef, Losing Body Fat, Low Fat, Lower Fat Foods, Muscle Stimulation, Pizza, Staging Carbs throughout the Evening, Treats, White Potatoes, White Rice
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