By Jim Laird Life is nothing but a series of patterns. When you do the same thing every day for enough years, these patterns show themselves, and your sphere of influence begins to make more sense. In the fitness industry, this manifests itself in the mistakes you see people making, because few … [Read more...]
Yogurt is Not a Meal
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: accelerate metabolism, acid support, binge eating, Blood Sugar, calorie expenditure, Calories, carb craving, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Carbohydrates, Carbs, constipation, cravings, diarrhea, diet, Digestion, digestive enzymes, digestive support, eating healthier, eating healthy, Grass Fed Beef, HCL, healthy, healthy eating, hormone production, J&M Strength and Conditioning, Jim Laird, Low Fat, melatonin, metabolically damaged. metabolic repair, Metabolism, ox bile, Protein, repair metabolism, serotonin, simple sugars, slow metabolism, starches, storing fat, sugar craving, undernourished, undernourishment, zinc, zinc deficiency
Your New Lifestyle: Relax Your Way to High Performance

Want to smash weights every time you're in the gym? Learn the meaning of rest and recovery first. By Jim Laird What do the words “day off” mean to you? Do you know what a day off even is? What are you doing on your so-called days off? I want you to think about this right now, because you need to. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Ammonia Caps, Autoimmune Disease, Barbell, Being Calm, Big Lifts, Bioforce HRV, Bodybuilder, Bread, Caffeine, Cancer, Cognition, Digestion, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, Dragging Sleds, Ephedra, External Stimulus, Facebook, Fight-or-Flight, Gluten Intolerance, Gym, Heart Disease, High Performance, High Threshold, Internal Organs, Jim Laird, Joel Jamieson, Loud Music, Medicine Balls, Meditate, Meditation, Off Day, Overstimulation, paleo, Paul Chek, Pizza, Recovery, Slapping, Sleep, Stress, Stress Response, Stressful, Training Volume, Treadmill, Twitter, Ulcerative Colitis, Western Culture, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Workday
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