The Ultimate Drug Carbs are a drug. As with any drug, knowledge of effects—and side effects—is the only way to guarantee a positive outcome. Drugs often hit market before we’re aware of the full gamut of their effects, leaving consumers scrambling for answers, alternatives, and adjuncts. It works … [Read more...]
Excerpt: Carb Back-Loading
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Anaoblic, Bed, Bedtime, Body Fat Stores, Breakfast, carb back-loading, Carb Cycling, carb nite, Carbs at Night, Carbs on the Weekend, Chicken and Dumplings, Drug, Empty Promises, Fat Cells, Fat Loss, Growing Muscles, Guesswork, Gurus, Holy Grail of Nutrition, Huge Shoulders, Ice Cream, Man Boobs, Massive Quads, Muscle & Fitness, Muscle Cells, Muscle Mass, Muscular Growth, Oprah, Pancakes, Pasta, Pepperoni Pizza, Post-Workout Nutrition, Sculpted Pecs, So-Called Experts, Starchy Dinners, Strength, Sugary Sweets, supplements, Types of Carbs, Waistline, Whole Pizza
Top 11 Excuses Not To Lose Weight

I’ve heard just about every excuse in the world for not losing weight, getting healthy or lifting weights and it’s damn annoying when someone rambles off an excuse for why they can’t—or worse—why they refuse to lose weight or workout. They act as though it’s ironclad logic and that to even attempt … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Rant Tagged With: Alzheimers, Beer, Being Fat, Bible, Breakfast, Breast Cancer, Cooking, Cooking Shows, Diabetes, Disease, Embarrassed to Workout, Enjoy Life, Excuses, Excuses Not To Lose Weight, Fat-Free Scones, Flabby, Friends, Get Healthy for You, Getting Big and Bulky, Getting Healthy, Getting Out of Shape, God, High-Blood Pressure, Krispy Kremes, Lifting Weights, Looking in the Mirror, Marshmallow Man, Muscles, Oprah, Pizza, Running, Running on the Treadmill, Sculpted Shoulders, Skinny-Fat, Starbucks, Stuffing Crap Down Your Throat, Triple Choco Lattes, Worrying About Diet
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