When you live in San Francisco, there’s a whole list of upscale shit you’re supposed to do, provided you’re looking to fit in. It goes without saying that you can never vote Republican, it’s obligatory to blow half your paycheck on kombucha and organic quinoa at Whole Foods, and if you’re … [Read more...]
Eating Breakfast Causes Weight Loss: Worst Research Ever
Filed Under: Featured, Myth Debunking, Nutrition, Rant Tagged With: Agenda, Blood Sugar, Body Composition, Breakfast, Bullshit, Calories, Carbs, Cortisol Levels, Eating Breakfast Causes Weight Loss, EliteFTS, European Luxury, Fat Burning, Fat Cells, Ghrelin, Growth Hormone, Insulin Levels, Insulin Release, International Journal of Obesity, Kombucha, Losing Fat, Losing Muscle, Maximize Weight Loss, Morning Edition podcast, NPR, NPR Website, Quinoa, Republican, research, Scientific Journal, Skipping Breakfast, Spanish Study, Whole Foods
Gluten Intolerance Symptoms: When Paleo and Carb Back-Loading Collide

Everyone knows I hate the usage of the word Paleo for the Paleo diet. Not because I hate the diet; I actually love the diet. It’s just that implication that we ran around the Stone Age through vast fields of potatoes and forests of fruit and nut trees, not to mention bushels of beans. So, … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: Barley, Beans, Bread, carb back-loading, carb nite, Chronic Joint Pain, Derivatives, Explosive Diarrhea, Ezekiel Bread, Fruits, Gliadins, Glutamine Peptide Supplementation, Glutamine Peptides, Gluten, Gluten Allergy, Gluten Hydrolysate, Gluten Intolerance, Gluten Intolerance Symptoms, Gut Bloating, High-Gluten Foods, Industrialized Hyrdolysates, Lethargy, Marinara Sauce, Nuts, paleo, Paleo Diet, Pasta, Peptides, Potatoes, Quinoa, Rye, Wheat
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