Carb Back-Loading Updates

In which we find Kiefer coming out of hiding for a day, only to go back into hiding all this weekend so we can finish this damn book. Also, a little more about the Carb Back-Loading diet software. I met up with Kiefer Friday afternoon, and as some of you will know from reading the forums, he's … [Read more...]

News: Carb Back-Loading, DH Forums, and Kiefer’s Kryptonite

Hey everybody, Naomi here. We have a bunch of important announcements to make. I promise if you read all the way down to the bottom it'll be worth it. Even superheroes have weaknesses Thanksgiving came and went, and I was grateful for Carb Back-Loading. It's nice knowing that when you'll be faced … [Read more...]

Surgeon General’s Warning: Is Known To Cause Radioactive Superpowers

To me, a super hero is not only someone who does the amazing, but does it easily. Superman’s not super because he can lift a car—I’ve seen a guy lift a car before—Superman’s impressive because he lifts a car without effort. Superman wouldn’t seem so super if he strained with every feat of strength, … [Read more...]

Dropping the F*Bomb

WARNING: This essay contains vulgar language. Don't read it... A health-industry figure posted on their Facebook wall an expression of disappointment that someone dropped the F*bomb on a fitness-radio interview while their child listened. That someone in the interview could have been me, I don’t … [Read more...]

Synthetic Wisdom Equals True Bullshit

I’m not one to complain, but for a society catapulted to the pinnacle of world power by scientific achievement, we sure do love mystics. Not mystics in the neo-cultural sense that read palms, the stars or numbers to tell the future; I’m talking about the vintage mystics, witch doctors of former … [Read more...]

Guest Post: Success, Failure, and Doughnuts on Carb Back-Loading™

 What does it mean to do Carb Back-Loading™ "wrong"? We asked SJ (Sam Joy), a serious lifter and coach over at The Yard, to relate his experiences using Carb Back-Loading in the months that followed his original write-up back in April of this year. What he sent back details a fascinating run from … [Read more...]

Interview with Kiefer about Carb Backloading

Here's an interview with Kiefer conducted by Tanner Fox, a Carb Backloading true believer who had a few questions, as well as a nice testimonial about using this protocol himself. The guys just kinda launch into it after an amusing intro conversation, which you'll catch the tail end of at the … [Read more...]

Bonus Material from Kiefer’s Interview with Tanner Fox

Fox Tanner's testimonial of using Carb Backloading and some amusing conversation leading up to the full interview. (Subtitle: "Where's that accent from, anyway?") You can download this part of the interview as an mp3 HERE. (~8 MB) … [Read more...]

I’m Back

Explanations… Once again, I’ve taken a hiatus from, all but ignoring the site and audience responsible for getting me into, Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Flex, Power Magazine and as of today, T-Nation. So yeah, I kind of feel like a douche. … [Read more...]

Caffeine Therapy

Caffeine is a model of drug abuse34, and I love it. I don’t know where I’d be without caffeine. Actually I do know where I’d be right now—in bed asleep for the last four hours—but thanks to a strong cup of joe and sugar-free energy drinks, I’ll burn several more hours writing and researching before … [Read more...]