The DH Workout Playlist

The only thing worse than seeing a skinny-fat person naked is horrible gym music. Where I'm forced to train right now due to logistics and time, plays the most god-awful crap that's ever been heard in the gym. Today was the final straw: 80's love ballads. What. The. F*ck?! … [Read more...]

Nutrition Guru 101

There are no stupid question...oh, no, wait...there are. Look, if you’re going to be a nutrition guru, prepare yourself. Actually, you know what, let me prepare you. Here’re a few pointers to survive your entry into the world of Nutrition-Guru-goodness. … [Read more...]

Birth Control and Fat Loss

When women don’t want to get pregnant, they typically visit the doctor and get on a birth control regimen. Like most women, I did this when I first got married. What I didn’t do, however—and what most women don’t do—was research the effects this would have on my body. It didn’t occur to me to try to … [Read more...]

Carb Nite: How Mark Bell Lost 50 Pounds of Fat

People are much fatter than they have to be. Look around your local Starbucks, Jamba Juice, or Panera bread, and you’ll soon realize that everyone you see is fatter than is necessary—and that’s a conclusion I came to for myself, too. That’s why I started this whole process of dropping weight by … [Read more...]

Paleo Deconstructed Part 1: A Pig With Lipstick

I love the Paleo Diet. That’s going to surprise some people. What’s not going to surprise anyone is that I also hate Paleo, too. In fact, I hate Paleo as much as I love it. More, even. … [Read more...]

Carb Nite: How You Can (and Should) Get Stronger

There seems to be a massive misconception in the fitness industry regarding how DH’s two main nutritional protocols, Carb Back-Loading™ and The Carb Nite® Solution, are perceived. The way most people see it, you go on Carb Back-Loading if you want to get big and strong (and drop fat), and you opt … [Read more...]

Listen Up Guys: Women Now Come With Higher Standards

We should all have standards. More importantly, we should all hold ourselves to them. DH is founded on principles like scientific truth, empirical testing and impeccable quality and I try to live by these standards every day, not just with what I publish on DH, but with how I live my life and in how … [Read more...]

Random WOE: Tracking Calories Burned at the Gym

When people find out what I do for a living, they’ll slam me with a barrage of comments designed to let me know they’re “on it,” as though the mere act of being within a ten-foot radius of me compels them to tell me all about their diet and exercise habits. I love this. My favorite of these is when … [Read more...]

Lessons From Sausage

Sausage can teach us many things about life. At its most basic level, a link of sausage is just an oblong sack of meat. Many oblong sacks of meat exist in our world—including fitness professionals conspicuously shaped like sausages—and their contents vary, as do the sacks that cover them. … [Read more...]

K-Squared Bombs, Episode 1

I’ve read some interesting articles lately making liberal reference to the term “K-Bombs.” Judging by the content of these pieces, I naturally thought this stood for krock-of-shit bombs—which would be highly appropriate but for the fact that crock is spelled with a ‘c,’ and not a ‘k.’ I did a little … [Read more...]