By Monte Spicer When your ab training goes wrong, or you’re not getting any results, it’s not because you’re doing the wrong exercises. It’s not about volume, intensity, or rest periods, either. The reason your abs aren’t coming in the way they should—other than your shitty diet, of course—has … [Read more...]
The X-Frame Protocols: Ice Cube Abs
Filed Under: Featured, Training Tagged With: 6 pack, ab workout, ab workouts, abdominal, abs, bodybuilding, crunches, Deadlift, Deadlifting, Exercises to Help Build a Sexy Midsection, Love Handles, lower abs, Muscle, Muscle Stimulation, Obliques, sit ups, six pack abs, squats, upper abs, Workout
Excerpt: The Carb Nite Solution

In advance of the reloaded edition of The Carb Nite Solution we'll be releasing later on this year, we've decided to treat you to a few excerpts. Here's the first installment: We’ve All Been There Nearly all of us have battled with our weight. For some of us, this started as early as our teens. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: Beer Belly, Calories, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Cellulite, Cholesterol, Citations, Daily Menus, Enzymes, Exotic Foods, Fat, Fat Cells, Fat Loss, Flabby Butt, High Protein, Hormones, Insulin Resistance, Love Handles, Low Fat, Low-Carb, Medical Doctor, Metabolism, Nutritionist, Physicist, research, Sugar, Treats, Triglyceride Levels, Weight, Weight Maintenance
Gender Wars: 3 Back Exercises for Sexy Back Muscles
Filed Under: Video Tagged With: alex navarro, Assistance Pull-up Machine, Avoid Swinging During Pull-ups, Back Exercises, Back Muscles, Barbell, Bent Over Row, Chin Up, Dead Hang, Dumbbell Shrugs, Elvis Move, Kipping, Kipping Pull-up, Lat Pull-downs, Latissimus, Lats, Love Handles, Neutral Spine, Nice Back, No Neck Look, Pinch Shoulder Blades, Pull-ups, Rhomboid Muscles, Rhomboids, Rounding Out Your Back, Scoop Elbows Behind Your Back, Standing Up Tall, Straight Neck, Throwing Weight Around, Upper Trapezius, Upper Traps, Wide Back, Wide Grip
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