Some big changes are happening here in our fortified bunker. HUGE ones that'll enable us to get you the most bleeding-edge nutrition and training information in the industry on a broader and grander scale than ever before. We'll keep you advised, of course, but in the meantime, here's another … [Read more...]
Diet Anger: The Serotonin Connection
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: accelerated weight loss, Anxiety, appetite control, binge eating, boosting serotonin, Depression, diet anger, dieting, hangry, increased appetite, increasing serotonin, irritability, irritable, memory, mood, mood swings, mood-enhancing chemical, Nutritionists, serotonin, serotonin level, serotonin syndrome, Sleep, stimulate serotonin
Yogurt is Not a Meal

By Jim Laird Life is nothing but a series of patterns. When you do the same thing every day for enough years, these patterns show themselves, and your sphere of influence begins to make more sense. In the fitness industry, this manifests itself in the mistakes you see people making, because few … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition Tagged With: accelerate metabolism, acid support, binge eating, Blood Sugar, calorie expenditure, Calories, carb craving, carb nite, Carb Nite Solution, Carbohydrates, Carbs, constipation, cravings, diarrhea, diet, Digestion, digestive enzymes, digestive support, eating healthier, eating healthy, Grass Fed Beef, HCL, healthy, healthy eating, hormone production, J&M Strength and Conditioning, Jim Laird, Low Fat, melatonin, metabolically damaged. metabolic repair, Metabolism, ox bile, Protein, repair metabolism, serotonin, simple sugars, slow metabolism, starches, storing fat, sugar craving, undernourished, undernourishment, zinc, zinc deficiency
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