Some big changes are happening here in our fortified bunker. HUGE ones that'll enable us to get you the most bleeding-edge nutrition and training information in the industry on a broader and grander scale than ever before. We'll keep you advised, of course, but in the meantime, here's another … [Read more...]
Diet Anger: The Serotonin Connection
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: accelerated weight loss, Anxiety, appetite control, binge eating, boosting serotonin, Depression, diet anger, dieting, hangry, increased appetite, increasing serotonin, irritability, irritable, memory, mood, mood swings, mood-enhancing chemical, Nutritionists, serotonin, serotonin level, serotonin syndrome, Sleep, stimulate serotonin
How To Be Awesome: Dealing With Bad Days

By Jesse Burdick Eric Spoto’s day was shit. Absolute, total, unmitigated shit. At one in the afternoon, he’d managed just two hours of sleep since the night before. All he’d had to eat since three in the morning was a handful of pistachios, a cup of yogurt, and a glass of apple juice. For most … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Adrenaline, Animal Cage, Apple Juice, Arnold Classic, Athletes, Autoregulation, Back Squat, Barbell, Bench Press, Bioforce HRV, Changing Conditions, Conditioning Day, CrossFit Open, CrossFit Scoring, Deload Days, Deload Weeks, Ed Coan, Eric Spoto, Feeling Like Shit, Gym, High-Rep Day, How To Be Awesome, Ice Cream, Ideal Conditions, jesse burdick, Lift Weights, Mental, Mental Game, Mental Medicine, Mindset, Omegawave, Perfect Training, Personal Record, Physical Medicine, Pistachios, Pneumonia, Poison Ivy, powerlifting, Sleep, Speed Day, Squat, State of Readiness, Training Regulation, Yogurt
Your New Lifestyle: Relax Your Way to High Performance

Want to smash weights every time you're in the gym? Learn the meaning of rest and recovery first. By Jim Laird What do the words “day off” mean to you? Do you know what a day off even is? What are you doing on your so-called days off? I want you to think about this right now, because you need to. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Ammonia Caps, Autoimmune Disease, Barbell, Being Calm, Big Lifts, Bioforce HRV, Bodybuilder, Bread, Caffeine, Cancer, Cognition, Digestion, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, Dragging Sleds, Ephedra, External Stimulus, Facebook, Fight-or-Flight, Gluten Intolerance, Gym, Heart Disease, High Performance, High Threshold, Internal Organs, Jim Laird, Joel Jamieson, Loud Music, Medicine Balls, Meditate, Meditation, Off Day, Overstimulation, paleo, Paul Chek, Pizza, Recovery, Slapping, Sleep, Stress, Stress Response, Stressful, Training Volume, Treadmill, Twitter, Ulcerative Colitis, Western Culture, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Workday
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