Artificial sweeteners might be making us fatter and sicker than we’re already making ourselves with carbs alone. This is what a research article recently published in Diabetes Care, the American Diabetes Association’s journal, is telling us, and it’s stirred up a serious maelstrom across the … [Read more...]
As Seen On Twitter: Diet Sodas Make You Fat
The Magic (Or Lack Thereof) of Soy

More from my original research notes: Soybeans are used for damned near everything: as industrial lubricants, cleaners, diesel fuel additives, paint removers, crayons, meatless burgers, non-dairy ice cream, infant formulas, and high-concentration protein powders. Read the ingredient labels of … [Read more...]
Another Hidden Secret: The Power of Leptin

More from my original research notes: Leptin’s story isn’t a long one, but it’s extremely important. The first thing you need to know is that its importance is typically ignored in most diet books—which is a completely wrongheaded omission, because Leptin is an extremely critical hormone in terms … [Read more...]
Book Excerpt: The Carb Nite Solution

First it was no food, and then no fat, and now it’s no carbs. As you tell friends about your new diet, you’re warned—no, almost threatened, with a list of ailments: an inability to think, bad breath, clogged arteries, obesity, and cancer. Finally, your nutritionist strikes the deathblow: your body … [Read more...]
Excerpt: The Carb Nite Solution

Cutting Calories You can’t help but notice the methodical chanting of athletic trainers, nutritionists, and even your friends who religiously watch Dr. Oz: calories in, calories out. But what does this even mean? Sheepishly, you ask and discover their simplistic logic. Lower caloric intake to less … [Read more...]
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