You’re asking plenty of questions via Facebook and Twitter. We’re answering them. Here are responses to the best inquiries of the past week: If I’m training fasted in the morning, what are your thoughts on acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K)? Okay, or no? I’d say yes, it’s okay. The rise in … [Read more...]
Ask Kiefer: Your Questions Answered
From Bookworm to Bikini: Week Three

By Caroline Gick I use the Shockwave protocol because it lets me maintain and add muscle at the same time as I’m stripping off body fat. It’s the perfect plan for getting ready for competition. In fact, I’ve adopted Shockwave for my regular training, and not just for contest prep. What has … [Read more...]
Bookworm to Bikini-Ready: 13 Weeks to the Figure Stage (Week 2)

By Caroline Gick This week, I’m going to get more specific about how I eat and how I train. I also want to talk about how I’ll be adjusting my diet and my workouts in the coming weeks as I get closer to my competition. The entire program I follow—both training and nutrition—has been developed for … [Read more...]
Caffeine and Creatine

Judging by reader response, there’s been some confusion regarding creatine and caffeine use, and I want to make sure, once and for all, that everyone knows precisely what to do with both. In the series of creatine pieces we just published, I suggested that you shouldn’t take creatine with … [Read more...]
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