By Scott Paltos The fitness industry is stacked, end to end, with “geniuses.” The trouble with geniuses, however, is that they don’t always have enough self-awareness to keep their egos proportionate to their influence. This, unfortunately, has turned many otherwise high-quality people into … [Read more...]
How Not To Be An Arrogant Prick
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: arrogance, Athlete, attitude, bad attitude, Bodybuilder, business advice, business owner, Celebrities, celebrity trainer, certification programs, Charles Staley, coaches, crossfit, ego, exercise science, fitness celebrity, fitness expert, fitness guru, Fitness Industry, fitness trends, geniuses, Louie Simmons, NFL, Nutritionist, Paul Chek, Personal Trainer, Powerlifter, Scott Paltos, Strongman, successful, successful business, Trainers, training advice, training facilities, training facility, weekend clinics
The Cortisol Challenge

I know, it's a stupid fucking title for an article, but in this case, I'm challenging you to know your enemy. This is simple advice we’d all do well to follow, but in bodybuilding it’s easier said than done. The hormone cortisol is a prime example. Ask any bodybuilder—even the top guys in the world, … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Anabolic Effect, Bodybuilder, bodybuilding, carb back-loading, carbds, Catabolic, catabolic effect, Cholesterol Levels, Cortisol, Fat Burning, Fat Loss, free-fatty acids, gain muscle, glucocorticoids, hormone, Immune System, John “Mountain Dog” Meadows, John Meadows, lipolysis, metabolization, Mountain Dog Diet, Mountain Dog Training, no breakfast, Testosterone, Testosterone Levels, Triglycerides
Your New Lifestyle: Relax Your Way to High Performance

Want to smash weights every time you're in the gym? Learn the meaning of rest and recovery first. By Jim Laird What do the words “day off” mean to you? Do you know what a day off even is? What are you doing on your so-called days off? I want you to think about this right now, because you need to. … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured Tagged With: Ammonia Caps, Autoimmune Disease, Barbell, Being Calm, Big Lifts, Bioforce HRV, Bodybuilder, Bread, Caffeine, Cancer, Cognition, Digestion, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, Dragging Sleds, Ephedra, External Stimulus, Facebook, Fight-or-Flight, Gluten Intolerance, Gym, Heart Disease, High Performance, High Threshold, Internal Organs, Jim Laird, Joel Jamieson, Loud Music, Medicine Balls, Meditate, Meditation, Off Day, Overstimulation, paleo, Paul Chek, Pizza, Recovery, Slapping, Sleep, Stress, Stress Response, Stressful, Training Volume, Treadmill, Twitter, Ulcerative Colitis, Western Culture, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Workday
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