The Magic (Or Lack Thereof) of Soy

More from my original research notes: Soybeans are used for damned near everything: as industrial lubricants, cleaners, diesel fuel additives, paint removers, crayons, meatless burgers, non-dairy ice cream, infant formulas, and high-concentration protein powders. Read the ingredient labels of … [Read more...]

Myostatin: The Muscle Killer

More from my original research notes about the hormones that influence your fat loss and muscle gain: Myostatin is easily one of the most exciting discoveries of the past two decades. Its name literally means “muscle-stopping chemical,” and this couldn’t be closer to the truth. Researchers found … [Read more...]

Another Hidden Secret: The Power of Leptin

More from my original research notes: Leptin’s story isn’t a long one, but it’s extremely important. The first thing you need to know is that its importance is typically ignored in most diet books—which is a completely wrongheaded omission, because Leptin is an extremely critical hormone in terms … [Read more...]

Ghrelin: Why You Get Hungry

Here's a look at some of my original research notes. This should be of interest to everyone, and it's all definitely still relevant, so I'll be presenting these excerpts from time to time. Enjoy.  Why are you always hungry? Your hunger and your appetite are regulated by your endocrine system, but … [Read more...]

Five Reasons Why The Fitness Industry Sucks Ass

The fitness industry is “fucked up.” There’s a new fitness book out, released by a major publishing house, and this is how it starts off. By making this statement, which I’m sure they think is brash and shocking, the authors are trying to set the scene for you. They’re telling you that although the … [Read more...]

Why Women Should Not Run

Here’s another article re-edit/rerelease. This one was originally published on, and we’re presenting this updated and polished-up version today in case you missed it the first time around. I’m not sympathetic. When I look at the fat guy in the gym wasting his time doing forearm curls … [Read more...]

Kiefer Q&A: The Carb Nite Solution For Women

In response to a line of questioning we've been getting a lot from you lately, here's a Q&A segment with Kiefer addressing some common problems women run into within the first few months of starting The Carb Nite Solution: After my first ten-day cycle of the diet, I lost a significant amount of … [Read more...]

Why Vegetable and Nut Oils Suck

Vegetable oils are shit. With the exception of coconut oil, they’re not what you need to be ingesting for what you’re looking to do—and if you’ve come to this site, I’m assuming you’re trying to burn fat, build muscle, improve your performance, and live a healthier lifestyle. If these are your … [Read more...]

Out of Balance: How to Think About Dieting

Last weekend, I sat on a rather interesting discussion panel at the Paleo F(x) conference in Austin, TX. As I listened to otherwise rational people, who were making otherwise sound recommendations, emphatically claiming that a “balanced diet” for health required 30 percent carbohydrates—mostly from … [Read more...]

Why Breakfast is Nothing But a Scam

Here's another updated classic from the archives: She’s sitting on the opposite side of the bar, by herself, and she’s smoking hot. With her stiletto heels, fishnet stockings, and hang-your-keys-on-them chest, she’s obviously being watched by every guy in the place, whether they’re single or … [Read more...]